Sri Ksetra Museum
412The Sri Cheetah Museum is located in village of Mawza, Bago Region, Pyay Township. It is the oldest museum in Myanmar and was established in 1960.The ...
Inwa Archaeological Museum
409Inwa Archaeological Museum is cultural museum located near the city wall of the old town of Inwa in the township of Cheda U, Kyaukse District,Mandalay...
General Aung San(Revolutionary Life)
427Photo: Aung San and Japan Army Officers Thakin revolutionary In October 1938, Aung San left his law classes and entered national politics. At this poi...
General Aung San and Thirty Comrades
446Formation of the Thirty Comrades Aung San in Japan (right), with Bo Let Ya (Thakin Hla Pe) (left) and Bo Sekkya (Thakin Aung Than) (middle) In May 19...
General Aung San(Post World War II)
490Post World War II Aung San signs the Panglong Agreement on 12 February 1947. World War II ended on 12 September 1945. Following the end of the war th...